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Removing Odors From Pet Birds

Parrots and other birds make wonderful pets. Many are talkative, love to play, and can be incredibly affectionate. But like all pets, birds can cause a bit of a stink to develop indoors. If you don’t address the problem quickly, it can spread throughout the house, leaving you with quite the bird odor to deal with.

How To Get Rid of Pet Bird Smells

You probably do your best to deal with pet accidents as quickly as possible to protect your carpets. Managing bird odors, though, is a little different, especially when birds are kept in their cages for extended periods.

The primary sources of bird smells are:

  • Urine
  • Droppings
  • Body odors

When the smell of any or all of these sources makes its way into the air, it can penetrate porous materials like upholstery, window coverings, and carpeting, making the indoor air quality nearly unbearable. If you decide to bring in a professional carpet cleaning service to remove the deeply embedded odors, you’ll want to keep your bird’s safety in mind.

Many carpet cleaning products are safe to use in homes with pets. But birds are particularly sensitive to the airborne chemicals and toxins these products contain. If there’s a bird in your house, you want to take extra care to let the cleaning company know so they can use the right products. CLEAN Choice’s steam extraction and purified water system ensure your bird is always protected.

For ultimate safety and protection, we recommend removing the bird from the house or moving it outside the area where the carpets will be cleaned until the job is completed.

Tips for Limiting Pet Bird Odors

Between professional carpet cleanings, you can keep pet bird odors to a minimum with these four easy steps.

  1. Bathe your bird: Like other pets, birds need baths to smell fresh and look great. Some enjoy daily baths; others prefer two to three times per week.
  2. Cage maintenance: To keep your bird’s cage nice and clean, lay down several layers of birdcage liners along the cage’s bottom. This way, you can get rid of the top layer each day without having to refresh it. Don’t forget to clean your bird’s food and water dishes daily.
  3. Keep the surrounding area clean: Sweep or vacuum underneath the cage daily to get rid of feathers, debris, and any wayward bird droppings. Putting a washable mat under the cage makes things a lot easier.
  4. Use safe bird odor removers: Avoid scented candles or aerosol air fresheners to mask pet bird smells. Instead, invest in bird-friendly odor control products that, when used as directed, are perfectly safe. You can also try misting undiluted white wine vinegar or a mixture of baking soda, nutmeg, and cinnamon.

Professional Carpet Cleaning for Pet Bird Owners

When it comes to using eco and pet-friendly products for professional carpet cleaning, family-owned and -operated CLEAN Choice Cleaning & Restoration is ahead of the curve. We don’t use any of the harsh, harmful chemicals many other companies use. Our 100% environmentally safe and non-toxic products are certified by CRI-SOA, Green Seal, Indoor Air Quality, WoolSafe, and DfE and are deemed safe for use around pets, children, the elderly, and the immunocompromised.

To learn more about all our floor covering services, including rug cleaning, rug repair, and pet damage, call CLEAN Choice at [site_info_phone_number] or contact us online to schedule an estimate.

Ashley Parks

Published by
Ashley Parks

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