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5 Ways to Remove Water Stains From Your Area Rug

Spills happen in life, especially in the vicinity of your area rug. And sometimes, cleanup doesn’t happen right away. Maybe the cat knocked over a glass of water and no one saw it until it was already dry. Maybe you had a plumbing or flooding issue, and had bigger concerns at the time than your area rug.

Whatever happened, the water spill didn’t get cleaned up immediately, and now you’ve got unsightly brown water stains on your rug. Fear not! There are a few ways to remove water stains from your area rug and have it back to its beautiful pristine state in no time!

1. Clean your area rug with soap and water

Mix 1 cup of clean, warm water with ½ teaspoon of mild dish soap or bleach-free laundry detergent. Use a non-abrasive, clean cloth and dab it into the mixture. Starting at the edges, gently rub the stain with the wet cloth. Work your way inward, adding more soapy water to the cloth as needed. Don’t rub too aggressively, since doing this could wear down the fibers on that spot. When finished, press down on the spot with a clean, dry towel to absorb the excess water. Allow the area to dry. When it is mostly dry, sprinkle some baking soda over the spot to help draw out the remaining moisture. Wait 3-4 hours, then vacuum to remove the baking soda.

2. Clean your area rug with vinegar and water

If diluted soap or laundry detergent doesn’t work, you can try using white vinegar to get the water stain out. Only use white vinegar – other types of vinegar will stain your carpet, but white vinegar is clear. Mix equal parts

white vinegar with clean, warm water. Apply the solution to the stain, either with a spray bottle or with a clean cloth. You don’t have to work it into the stain, since the pH in the vinegar works to chemically remove the water stain. Allow the area to dry. As it dries, you should notice the water stain fade or disappear. As with the soap-and-water method, sprinkle some baking soda over the spot to help finish the drying process, then vacuum it up later.


3. Clean your area rug with store-bought carpet cleaners

There are many carpet cleaning solutions you can purchase at any store that sells cleaning products. Using these products is always a risk, as they may damage your rug and cause visible wear or color changes. If you decide to take the chance, carefully read each bottle of cleaner to see which stains it treats and if there are certain types of rugs it shouldn’t be used on. Before treating the stain, test the cleaner on a non-visible part of your rug – perhaps an area that is normally covered by furniture – to see if it will have adverse effects. If that goes well, use the cleaner on the stain, making sure to follow the exact directions for how to apply it and how long to let it set.

4. Prevent future stains

This isn’t a method for removing a water stain that’s already on your area rug, but since an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, it’s worth mentioning! The best way to prevent water stains is to clean up water spills as soon as they happen. Since that’s not always possible, you can also try a CRI-approved stain protection carpet spray. These sprays cover the fibers of your rug in a liquid-repellent coating, making spills easier to clean up and buying you more time when one happens.

As with any store-bought chemical, there is a risk that you may damage your carpet, so pay close attention to any warnings on the bottle. If you have pets or children that play on your area rug, consider carefully whether you want to expose them to these chemicals. Stain protection carpet sprays are available in many stores that sell carpet cleaning products.

5. Get a professional carpet cleaning

If water sat on your rug for more than 24 hours, there is most likely mold in your area rug. Mold is much more difficult to eradicate than stains are. The best way to get water stains, dirt, and mold out of your area rug is to have it professionally cleaned by a trustworthy Oriental and area rug cleaning company. Most area rugs are not cheap, and replacing yours after a botched cleaning attempt would be expensive and inconvenient.

Protect your investment and the look of your home by having your area rug safely and thoroughly cleaned by knowledgeable professionals. CLEAN Choice Cleaning & Restoration offers Oriental and area rug cleaning services throughout the greater Baltimore and Annapolis area. With free pickup and delivery and all-inclusive cleaning, your area rug will come back looking like new to give a fresh feel to your home!


Contact CLEAN Choice Cleaning & Restoration today at (410) 978-6050 for a free estimate for area rug cleaning in the greater Baltimore and Annapolis area.

Ashley Parks

Published by
Ashley Parks

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